Talisman Vimeo Videos

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Unforecast heavy snow and morning road disruption

The mountain and avalanche forecasts looked good for today with light winds, sunshine and only the slight possibility of light afternoon or evening snow showers possible west of the A9. The later BBC and the Met Office reports were slightly different with moderate snow forecast for the afternoon. The mountain forecasts were not updated and the reality at 6.00 am this morning was heavy snow and blizzards causing road chaos with many drivers being caught out on badly snowed up roads - I'm glad I have snow tyres.
We were originally going climbing in the Northern Corries at 8.00 am but by 10.00 am we were still waiting in a queue for the ski road to open.
With fresh deep snow, blizzards and whiteout conditions on the hill the climbing prospects didn't look that good anyway. So we cut our losses and headed for Bill Wilsons Glemore ski hire shop. In the end we had a great day x-country skiing in and around the Glenmore forest and a snowy Loch Morlich and our team the Rock Hoppers turned out to be natural snow hoppers - well done!
Touring on the Nordic skis it was like being in the north of Canada or in arctic Norway complete with the reindeer herders hut, snow laden forests and a completely frozen Loch Morlich...

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