Talisman Vimeo Videos

Friday 29 January 2010

Knots with Not's!

We're currently running several intro and advanced winter mountaineering courses for the annual Not's Pineapple Society winter meet. The Nottingham students, Fi, Fergus, Jonathan and myself had a great day out after a tricky start with the mini-buses on the icy ski road! The MWIS forecast had sounded grim with strong winds and heavy snow showers being forecast. However lower on the hill where we were the weather was actually fairy benign and quite pleasant.
Some of the sheltered old snow drifts now resemble small glaciers complete with crevasses and seracs. Out of the wind and with hard neve the drifts were perfect for cramponning, step cutting, winter ropework and climbing up the steep mini seracs! More details and photos on Fi's blog here

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