Talisman Vimeo Videos

Monday 13 December 2010

Freezing again

The brief low level thaw over Friday and Saturday has stripped much of the knee deep snow from low levels. However above 500 -600 metres the snow cover is still good though now very icy. The temperature has progressively dropped since Sunday refreezing the old snow and any exposed ground.
Unfortunately all the roadside ice falls have collapsed and the forest trails are either broken or now very icy. It's a different story above 5- 600 metres where the snow cover is still excellent though icy where packed or crusty as height is gained.
The classic Northern Corrie gully and ice routes are now well filled but are still reported to be a bit insecure and crusty especially on some of the snowy exists!
The buttresses are icing up and the pistes firming up too! The Cairngorm Mountain ski area runs are complete and most are well filled though will benefit from the fresh snow being forecast for Thursday onwards...

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