Talisman Vimeo Videos

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Guiding on the In Pinn and Cuillin Ridge

A birthday surprise for Chris from his wife Hayley, a days guiding on the In Pinn and then a climb up Sgurr McConnich.

Near the summit we ended up in a Nadir Khan photoshoot of a colourful Paul Tattersall running on the crest for RAB clothing, see https://youtu.be/uE765znqiV8!!!

We had perfect summery weather with very few people or midges on the Cuillin Ridge, where was everyone this perfect weekend? 

To book a course or arrange guiding on the Skye Cuillin  Ridge see https://www.talisman-activities.co.uk/product-page/cuillin-ridge-munros

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