Talisman Vimeo Videos

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Soaked on the the misty In Pinn!

A lot wetter than all the online the weather forecasts led us to believe. In the continuous downpour we climbed Sgurr Dearg's by the West Ridge's waterfalls, with the promise of drier weather by mid-day.

Unfortunately it just got wetter and wetter. As the guys weren't experienced trad climbers, were soaked and were starting to become hypothermic, if we hung around for several pitches on the unprotected whaleback, we had to abort climbing the In Pinn by the East Ridge on safety grounds.
This gave the guys the ultimate challenge of attempting to climb the West Ridge (with rope above) in the lashing rain and polished greasy foot and sloping hand holds!

Unusually for the In Pinn, we didn't meet anybody else all day until on the descent, when we heard some voices calling out in the mist, "is it OK to follow you down...?" as we scrambled down the gully waterfalls and through the crags.

The poor guys from Ireland, were both very experienced but had been trying for several hours to find an easy way back down and had been down and up several dead end gully lines.

They were very relieved to see my bright yellow jacket glowing like a beacon appearing from the gloom and happily followed behind as we picked up more lost soles!!!!

At the end of the day I binned yet another pair of old mountaineering boots completely trashed by the gabbro, see the photos on our Facebook album here!

To book a course or arrange guiding on the Skye Cuillin  Ridge see https://www.talisman-activities.co.uk/product-page/cuillin-ridge-munros

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