Talisman Vimeo Videos

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

A frosted goggles day!

Winter mountaineering snow-hole
Winter mountaineering snow-hole

Winter mountaineering snow-hole
Winter mountaineering snow-hole

Winter mountaineering abseiling off a snow bollard
Winter mountaineering Paul abseiling off a snow bollard

Winter mountaineering abseiling off a snow bollard
Winter mountaineering Reena abseiling off a snow bollard

Winter mountaineering abseiling off a snow bollard
Reena abseiling off a snow bollard

AMI winter mountaineering
A wintry Association of Mountaineering Instructors rucksac!

Winter mountaineering rope-work and snow belays
Winter mountaineering rope-work and snow belays

Winter mountaineering rope-work and bucket seats
Winter mountaineering rope-work and bucket seats

Day three of our Scottish winter mountaineering course with Reena and Paul and it's winter again and a proper frosted goggles, rope-work and snow-shelter day!

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